Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bulgaria boosts export to Non-EU countries

Bulgaria's export to non EU states has shown a substantial growth of 50% up to BGN 8.6 B in the first eight months of 2010, according to the National Statistical Institute. The main trade partners of Bulgaria were Turkey, Serbia, Russia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Singapore, China,and the USA that formed over 54% of the total export to non EU countries.

The exports to China increased by 256.4% and those to Turkey by 65.2%. The exports to Serbia and Russia reported growth by 72% and 53.9% respectively, to Singapore by 16% and to The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia by 33.1%. The exports to Peru, South Korea, Syria, Brazil, India and Vietnam increased significantly. Fall was reported in the exports to United Arab Emirates, Bosnia, Indonesia, Albania and Norway.In September 2010 the export to third countries increased by 67.1% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and was over BGN 1 B.

Bulgarian import from third countries in the first nine months of 2010 has increased by 11.6% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year and reached BGN 11 B. The growth has been most notable in the import from Israel, Egypt, Albania and Peru . The import from Serbia increased by 48.1% and from Republic of Macedonia by 43.2%. The largest fall was observed in the imports from Kazakhstan, South Africa and Norway. The figures show that Bulgaria's trade balance with non EU states is negative for the first nine months of 2010.

News source: Novinite.com link: article

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